5 Days Adventure



5 Days

Inca Trail


Duration: 4 Nights / 5 Days

Tour Type: Trekking y Hiking

Languages: English


The trip begins in Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Incan empire. As well as having the opportunity to soak up the local culture, we recommend spending a couple of days here to help your body to acclimatise before you begin the trek itself.

Starting at the Kilometre 82 gate (so called because it is 82 km from Cuzco by train) the trek to Machu Picchu provides the ultimate combination of mountain scenery and archaeological sites. Trekking through diverse environments including cloud forest, jungle and alpine tundra, there is also the opportunity to visit many Inca ruins along the way, including Runcuracay, Phuyupatamarca and Wiñaywayna.

We trek for four days, crossing Dead Woman’s Pass at 4200 metres on the second day, before arriving at Machu Picchu through the Sun Gate early on the final day.

Access to this route is restricted by permits to 500 people per day, which includes all the guides and porters. All permits go on sale in October and dates in the high season sell out on the first day. The earlier you can book your trek, the better chance we have of securing your permit.


Pre- Trek briefing in Cuzco: This evening you will meet your local Kandoo representative and have a full pre-trek briefing to ensure you are prepared for the trek. You will need to arrange your own hotel accommodation in Cuzco for this night.

Cuzco to Km 82 to Ayapata: We will leave Cuzco at 5:00 am by a private bus heading to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We will make a short break in the beautiful town of Ollantaytambo for breakfast. The official beginning of the Inca Trail is called Km 82. Here we will meet our crew and register for our trek.
After crossing the Rio Urubamba we start the legendary Inca Trail. The first day of the trail is relatively easy and a good warm up for the following days. On the way we will pass a beautiful archaeological site called Llactapata before we reach Tarayoc. After that, we will continue our hike to Ayapata (3300m), the camping site where we will spend the night, passing Wayllabamba on route.

Ayapata to Choquicocha: Leaving early in the morning, our trail first leads through the Valley of Llulluchapampa (3750m). The first 4 km trekking are steep and take approximately 2 hours. From Llulluchapampa, the path continues less steeply for another 2 hours until we reach the Warmihuañusca Pass (Dead Woman Pass), the first of three passes on the Inca Trail and the highest point of our trek at 4200m. This climb is the most difficult part of the Inca Trail. After a short break at the summit, we continue our hike down with a long and steep descent to the Pacamayo River where we will have lunch overlooking the cloud forest. After a well deserved break and feeling re-energised, we climb up to the oval-shaped ruin of Runkurakay, which is believed to have once been an Inca tambo or post house. From here we continue to ascend to the summit of our second pass, Runkurakay Pass at 3900m. From here you will be rewarded with spectacular views of the entire snow-capped Vilcabamba range, before another steep descent down to our campsite for the night.

Choquicocha to Winay Wayna: This morning we will climb up to our third pass, to Phuyupatamarka, an Inca ruin named “The Town in the Clouds” from where there are great views of the Urubamba river far below. From Phuyupatamarka, we continue to descend into a beautiful orchid-filled cloud forest, visiting the site of Intipata (Terraces of the Sun), before reaching our campsite at Wiñay Huayna. Arriving here by early afternoon we have plenty of time to explore the nearby ruins and have a lesson in cooking Lomo Saltado, a Peruvian specialty.

Winay Wayna to Machu Picchu, transfer to Cuzco: An early start is required today, and we will have breakfast around 4:30 am so that we are ready to hit the trail. We say goodbye to our porters and set off on the final section of the Inca Trail to the famous Inti Punku (The Sun Gate) which will take around 2-3 hours. Weather permitting, from here you will enjoy your first views of Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas. You will be given a guided tour of the site which will last for around 2½ to 3 hours. There is also an option to climb Huayna Picchu, the famous mountain behind the ruins, but you will need to book a permit in advance. In the afternoon, we will catch the train from Agua Calientes to Ollantaytambo, where you will be met by our driver who will transfer you to Cuzco.


Transfer to and from the trek start point

Inca Trail permit, Machu Picchu entry and camping fees

A fully supported trek

All meals and drinking water on the trek

A private portable toilet

High quality mess and sleeping tents with a comfortable insulated sleeping mat

Access to emergency oxygen and first aid kit


Airfares and visas; airport transfers

Accommodation in Cuzco

Tips for your guides and crew

Personal items

Travel insurance (you must be insured, and specifically for treks up to 4500m)

Your personal trekking gear

Your personal medicines or prescriptions

Snacks on the trek

Meals and drinks not on the trek